Sunday, March 1, 2009

My bowl of stew

Do you like stew?

I figure everybody likes some type of stew or soup. Chicken noodle, tomato, clam chowder, vegetable, meat and potatoes stew, bean soup, etc. So I wonder if the type of soups or stews we like have anything to do with our characters? Perhaps, or maybe not?

Today I'm thinking of making a special stew that possible gives a glimpse into my own character. Let's call it KRahmaan's stew -if you will! I want to start will the cleanest water I can find in these parts. Why? Because clean water is a sign of purity. Not only for the body, but also for the mind. Water so clear that it would be perfect for an infant to drink. I don't live by any flowing streams so the local clear water that can be bought from the stores will do fine.

Next, I would like to add a pinch of salt to my water as it warms to a boil. I'm not sure why, but most recipes call for you to add a pinch of salt. I think it's to add to the flavor of the overall stew. This salt to me signifies a beginning of a masterful dish that is soon to form out of nothingness. Kind of like the first step on a journey to quench thirst of one's goal.

Onward, once my water starts to boil I'd like to add some rice. Long grain white rice. Not because that's my favorite rice, because even brown rice would do. I could even add some rice from a far off country like India, China or Pakistan. This rice once added will start what I call 'a scientific process of evolution' because it will react with the water as well as the pinch of salt I added. Some may ask.. Well how is it science and evolution? It's that because the rice now has or will start to expand as it cooks. It will puff up threw the cooking process to become its full expression to fill my gut. Thus, giving me all the necessary nourishment that uncooked rice could not offer.

Next, let's add some mixed vegetables shall we? My mix will include carrots, peas, corn, Lima beans, sting beans, and broccoli. I like to use these because they are always fresh even if canned or frozen and of course if they are chopped fresh. I don't like to spend too much on extravagances making my dishes, just as long as they taste good in the end. Ooops! These will actually be boiled in a separate pot, because adding these too soon would be a conflict of interests! Ha, now that that's done the rice should be boiling and now it's time to simmer and add a cover to it.

The next thing that I'll be adding will be black pepper to my veggies! It already has salt so pepper will give it a nice and bold flavor. I see this adding pepper as one willing to take chances in one's life. Because if we never take chances in our lives we make little advances.

Now that the veggies are boiling and the rice simmering, time to get a different pot of fiber and protein enriched beans going. I like vegetarian beans, as pork and beans work well too. These are best canned, and should be cooked with speed. More pepper please! For some reason, to me it just brings out more flavor. These beans are rugged and can endure a very high flame just as long as you keep an eye on them, and constantly stir not to let them burn. I believe a man's character should be gentle like a gentlemen of Great Britain, but also as rugged as a Texan cowboy. For then he can be well rounded and more capable of standing up for a ladies honor.

I have one more ingredient that I feel must be added before my stew will be finished. And it will be added to my boiling veggies. I've traveled to the far East to find this (not really, for it can be found at your corner store). It represents a sense of 'calm' that is needed in one's life. To feel at ease is not always easy to attain in this life of 'trials and tribulations' that we endure. But I feel with practice of finding time to relax, we can find our place of calm every once in a while. This ingredient is called Teriyaki -but I only use a few drops! I never overdue anything for it would spoil my stew!

So now that my beans are all cooked, the veggies have almost boiled out the water, and the rice is all puffed up, now it's time to kill their flames. First I'll add the veggies to my rice, then stir. Sometimes the beans need more time to cook, so I'll make sure that they turn out to a healthy and tick consistency. Letting me know they are done.

Alrighty then, now it's time to combine! And there you have it, my stew is all prepared. Adding a side of toast with some butter will make a fine and tasty meal. My bowl of stew is complete to comfort my mind, body, and soul.

~Today's horoscope~

March 01, 2009

You might not have all the knowledge in the world,
but you have a lot of heart -- and that will count for
a lot today. By using your kindness and compassion
to make stronger friendships with people, you'll be
able to utilize their skills to get closer to what you
want. Don't think of it as using someone, because
you're not. It's perfectly acceptable to align yourself
with people who add value to your life. After all,
they choose to have you in their life because you
add so much, too.

K. Rahmaan
Life is what we make it.