Today I'm writing a section in my blog called "The K files". I chose this name because I think it will fit the content of my blog. I was recently asked to create a elite section to list some of my ideas to share with the public.
I don't know why some seem to think I may possess some knack for posting good content. So I just thought "Well, what the hell? Why not?" So this will be part one of The K files.
June 8th, 2009. I find myself with a tough decision on my hands. Should I attempt to uncover why most web based businesses fail, or should I reveal some the secrets why other sites and businesses thrive? Caught in a web of cyberspace despair, I start to feel inclined to share my opinions on both. Why most cyberspace businesses fail and hints to the secrets that make others thrive.
In my first attempt to express why most fail, I look back to when I had little to no knowledge of web marketing. The fact was that I had no knowledge of links, or how to build them, coding, or web trafficking. Also, like many healthy entrepreneurs I lacked the ability to find new converting visitors to my site. There were no scripts allowing for lead acquisition, nor were there any follow up systems set up in order to further promote my products.
Then, after many nights of research and tutelage, I found a few great web marketers who taught me their secrets. I soon noticed how important it was to create relationships with the people whom I was targeting. Not only could I create product especially for them, but I also had to be the number one user of this product. I would have to be the one who needed it most! Only then, could I even understand how the product could be of any use to others.
I wrote a simple book entitled, THE EVASIVE AMERICAN DREAM. And threw constant reading and reviews of my new little audio book, I started to understand how it really could be useful to others. The logic it contained actually helped others and I to rid ourselves from debt. It also helped to cut my wasteful spending by 70%. Thus, helping to save more money which to be used for future investments.
These and other glimmers of financial wisdom, included into the book were not only acquired by researching knowledge of old finance, but also by putting this knowledge into modern practice! The other side of it was testing it, and if I had a good enough product or not. I knew what I had could be useful, which is pivotal in the success of marketing any product online.
So what are some of the secrets to thriving sites and online business you might ask? I can share two. One most important, and one least. You may think that it's a dynamic website with all the works and special graphics. But no, in some cases content of a web page is over weighed by the actual product itself. What's most important is that you have a good product. Something that is of good use and that can be put to a good use. Then people will convert! All you need is some testimonies, to go with that or at least something to help create a buzz for your product. This is all comes as a part of online advertising for a good product. It must be realistic, simplistic, usable and also assessable by anyone. Without this, the product is limited.
Another important factor is your online credibility. Kind of like branding yourself. To me this is not most important or as important, because of course no one has actually met you in person or the flesh. They may know you from web presence. But they don't know whether or not if you're actually a spam bot, a swindler, or if you may have actually saved or helped others' lives by what you really do.
So what you say and post around the web, must be in real context -I mean the real you! Or no one will actually take you serious when you post your insights. Although online credibility can be circumvented by many of the gadgets you can find floating around the web these days. It never hurts to be you. You may not know this, but the buying process runs a lot more smoothly when people can trust you. We're all in this business to convert -right? But shooting in the dark for fast results or a fast buck can only last us so long.
I say be true to the words you type, have fun, and watch you business be true to you! :D
June 08, 2009
June 08, 2009
everything done that needs doing. You won't have to tackle it all by
yourself, though. You'll have plenty of help, if you let your loved ones
know what's in your mind and in your heart. You have more than
enough enthusiasm to win anyone over to your side -- and a couple of
favors to call in, too.
K. Rahmaan
As I've said before. Vision is all you'll need.