Monday, August 10, 2009

"The K files" - III

There are times in our lives where we seem to be down and out, for a loss, or lacking. And things just don't seem to be working out. What do you do at times like these? The bills are high, there's a problem with the car, and jobs just aren't hiring. What could be the cure for it?

This reminds me of and old story about a man, a mountain, and streets of gold. This story begins when a lad by the name of Robert who all his life he aspired to find gold...

It begins, at an early age where the boy would follow his father threw the mountains just beyond their home. "One day", said his father, "You shall find the gold hidden in these mountains." He would always follow his father searching for gold. But they would only come out with small finds, and shifts of this metallic bundle of joy.

So all his life, the boy wanted to find this gold. And so he searched just as his father had searched the mountains. Over 40 years went by, and just after that long day he had just been in those same mountains he had inherited from his father. His heart finally became distraught. His vision, or childhood dream of finding his father's gold began to give in to the weight of the search.

He had never had a doubt in his mind that he couldn't find it. For it was his joy in the search that made it a wondrous goal to achieve. But now, the thrill had gone some how. So later that day after he had his meal, tried settling down, as the sun began going down -he went and found his gun. He picks up his Winchester to take aim at some cans, and bottles he just lined up by some ol' rocks.

"Ping!" Goes one of the cans, "Splash!" the bottles! With one bottle left, good ol' Rob takes one last aim just to let out all his shames, stresses, and aggressions -misses! Striking one of the big rocks protruding from underneath.

"Woah, that's about the most shiniest piece of gold rock I've ever seen." Rob said, as the gold he'd been searching for all these years had been buried right underneath his own house.

In this story, we find a guy who all his life searches for a treasure that had always been hidden right in front of him. This -I must say, holds the key to the answer of many of our own problems.

~Today's horoscope~

August 10, 2009

You know how you've been having the feeling lately that something big
is coming along? Well, as usual, you're right. A group that you're quite
active with is about to ask -- if not outright beg -- that you become more
involved. A lot more involved. Does this mean the fun is over? Will you
have to worry about things like organization, paperwork, and so on? Not
hardly. Delegate, delegate, delegate. You're the ideas person. That's
why they want you. Assemble your staff.

K. Rahmaan
I'll be the first man to agree, truth is TRUTH.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

"The K files" - II

There was a fire right by my house today and I heard about the families that now are homeless because of it. I feel for them, and I have faith that they will be taken care of. My street was like a public hot spot. It almost looked like Venice Beach with all the cars and people out there trying to get a look at the damage.

Most cars got redirected off the main street onto my block. I was out side talking with a neighbor about what was going on. As we watched the hoards of people flock by. It got me to thinking of how grateful I am to have a place. Where now so many people had lost their homes.

I also thought about all the homeless people who I know lurk around on the fringe, up and down the alleyways and even sub-economies where people live underground. I never knew that such places existed. Only on TV, but no these kinds of places are real.

This all started me to really think deeply about how grateful I am that those houses that were on fire were not my own. That I have a place to live and am not homeless like so many struggling in the streets of America. That I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my refrigerator to eat and abundance of water to drink.

That I have a car (Which so happens to be a Lexus) to drive when so often do you see people walking or riding the bus or a bike who don't have one. I feel so grateful that I'm just living, breathing the fresh air of this Earth, and have the opportunity to do great things. Yes, as I now look upon my situation there is much to be grateful for.

I feel refreshed that since I've made it this far, it seem as if there's nothing I can't do. All the worry, self-doubt and finger-pointing is useless. Only a projection of selfish and ungratefulness. I see there's no time for complaints in a world that can be ripped away so suddenly. My only choice is to do my best and continue to relish each day that comes is a blessing.

The money I make is a stepping stone, to the feelings I may get from using it to bring light to the lives of others and myself. They say that people in the world can never find peace until they can find the present moment. Because it is always changing, but so in lies who we are.

I even feel grateful that I was able to communicate this! As some people do not possess hands nor fingers.

~Today's horoscope~

July 12, 2009

You're not the type of person who indulges in romantic fantasy -- not
unless it's backed by what just might be an entirely possible truth. Well,
you have the chance now to make a dream come true by paying
attention to what your heart is telling you to do. Don't pass it up, but
don't stretch that truth any farther than you know it can go, either. And
do be prepared to wait. Unfortunately reality doesn't always happen as
quickly as dreams.

K. Rahmaan
Know, that this world is ruled by oligarchy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"The K files" - I

Today I'm writing a section in my blog called "The K files". I chose this name because I think it will fit the content of my blog. I was recently asked to create a elite section to list some of my ideas to share with the public.

I don't know why some seem to think I may possess some knack for posting good content. So I just thought "Well, what the hell? Why not?" So this will be part one of The K files.

June 8th, 2009. I find myself with a tough decision on my hands. Should I attempt to uncover why most web based businesses fail, or should I reveal some the secrets why other sites and businesses thrive? Caught in a web of cyberspace despair, I start to feel inclined to share my opinions on both. Why most cyberspace businesses fail and hints to the secrets that make others thrive.

In my first attempt to express why most fail, I look back to when I had little to no knowledge of web marketing. The fact was that I had no knowledge of links, or how to build them, coding, or web trafficking. Also, like many healthy entrepreneurs I lacked the ability to find new converting visitors to my site. There were no scripts allowing for lead acquisition, nor were there any follow up systems set up in order to further promote my products.

Then, after many nights of research and tutelage, I found a few great web marketers who taught me their secrets. I soon noticed how important it was to create relationships with the people whom I was targeting. Not only could I create product especially for them, but I also had to be the number one user of this product. I would have to be the one who needed it most! Only then, could I even understand how the product could be of any use to others.

I wrote a simple book entitled, THE EVASIVE AMERICAN DREAM. And threw constant reading and reviews of my new little audio book, I started to understand how it really could be useful to others. The logic it contained actually helped others and I to rid ourselves from debt. It also helped to cut my wasteful spending by 70%. Thus, helping to save more money which to be used for future investments.

These and other glimmers of financial wisdom, included into the book were not only acquired by researching knowledge of old finance, but also by putting this knowledge into modern practice! The other side of it was testing it, and if I had a good enough product or not. I knew what I had could be useful, which is pivotal in the success of marketing any product online.

So what are some of the secrets to thriving sites and online business you might ask? I can share two. One most important, and one least. You may think that it's a dynamic website with all the works and special graphics. But no, in some cases content of a web page is over weighed by the actual product itself. What's most important is that you have a good product. Something that is of good use and that can be put to a good use. Then people will convert! All you need is some testimonies, to go with that or at least something to help create a buzz for your product. This is all comes as a part of online advertising for a good product. It must be realistic, simplistic, usable and also assessable by anyone. Without this, the product is limited.

Another important factor is your online credibility. Kind of like branding yourself. To me this is not most important or as important, because of course no one has actually met you in person or the flesh. They may know you from web presence. But they don't know whether or not if you're actually a spam bot, a swindler, or if you may have actually saved or helped others' lives by what you really do.

So what you say and post around the web, must be in real context -I mean the real you! Or no one will actually take you serious when you post your insights. Although online credibility can be circumvented by many of the gadgets you can find floating around the web these days. It never hurts to be you. You may not know this, but the buying process runs a lot more smoothly when people can trust you. We're all in this business to convert -right? But shooting in the dark for fast results or a fast buck can only last us so long.

I say be true to the words you type, have fun, and watch you business be true to you! :D

~Today's horoscope~

June 08, 2009

You'll be a veritable fount of willpower now, and only too happy to get
everything done that needs doing. You won't have to tackle it all by
yourself, though. You'll have plenty of help, if you let your loved ones
know what's in your mind and in your heart. You have more than
enough enthusiasm to win anyone over to your side -- and a couple of
favors to call in, too.

K. Rahmaan
As I've said before. Vision is all you'll need.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today I have only one thing to write about. That one thing is balance. You know, the good with the bad. Have you ever noticed that no matter how good things are or how good things can get, something bad will always happen? I don't know why or what it is, but every time things are smooth and everything's running fine, somehow a pothole still seems to find it's way into the road!

For me, I've spent over 12 years trying to master the art of sound, and sound production. Music engineering seems to be an art that takes a lifetime to fully master. While still there have been professional sound producers who have attended some of the fanciest schools around who still don't have it all figured out. And will still need to hire, a good sound mastering engineer to finalize their pre-productions.

Funny, to know that all those years of schooling still don't prepare us for the years of hands on skill we must acquire to become a Mastering Professional. I could slap my knee on that one! It's true, take a look for yourself if you've had any production experience or know of anyone who has worked with audio:

It's not all about what they teach you in the schools huh? Takes a little expertise in the field too. Believe me, I know because I've been battling with this stuff for ever 12 years now. And still, I'm only almost to where I want to be. If anyone was to tell you that they know everything about it, well that would be a sure sign that they know squat!

I've been at the point where everything sounded so good, I was up to like 6.2 digital, then just like that my computer goes down. Dang-it! Then after buying a brand new one, getting it set back up and loading back all my projects -boom! That one goes down as well! Like, man right when I think I'm all good and gravy life wants to rock my world with something new.

So what did I do? I upgraded, reinstalled & went out to buy new stuff just so I could be back to where I was at least. Glad to say that I'm now back up and running again. Just now with the stuff that I bought, I can get up to 7.1 true HD sound without having to tweak my equipment to emulate 7.1. Now, I should be able to tweak it to like 10.2 emulated if I wanted. So look out George Lucas because here I come!

Yeah, I tell you it always takes something bad to happen for something good to come along. I'm guessing that it's just mother nature balancing herself off. First making me think I was being screwed around, just to actually make my way/life easier. Yep, that's good old mother nature for ya.

Got to have balance!

~Today's horoscope~

May 09, 2009

Today is the perfect day to get back in touch with your culinary skills, no
matter how much of a novice you may be. Making meals for people you love
is a great way to express your personality, exercise your creativity
and explore new cultures. Plus, it's a great way to save money! Being in
the kitchen will be relaxing, because you can let your mind wander as
you concentrate on whipping up a delicious dinner or fabulous batch of
chocolate chip cookies.

K. Rahmaan
Vision is all you'll need, everything else will come.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I can't believe it's not Blogger

Have you ever had an idea to write a blog that at first sounded a little dumb? Well I did, and I named it "I can't believe it's not Blogger".

Pretty stupid sounding huh? That's just the downside to a blog, but what I want to do is attempt to post why Blogger can't be beat. So this is why I like blogger so much, and for all you WordPress and other blog users out there (tough luck), this is why Blogger is best!

First off I don't really like all those other 'flashy', 'glitter bug' blogs I see -now here. You may like it, but I just think that all that nonsensey is utterly unnecessary. Blogs are to share simple thoughts and ideas, so why direct people's attention away from the matter at hand? I say a simple background, with some well thought out content is good for my taste. Real thoughts to share, without all the attention seeking glamor that most people use these days.

With blogger it's true, you can get fancy if you want but the basic layout makes it a simple way to start blogging immediately! I have another blog out-back at WordPress, but I must truthfully say they just lock you into using those 'glitter bug' backgrounds. Which I personally just don't like -you know logic when you hear it? And what's up with their control center. It's so damn hard to navigate the darn thing! I get lost -not even the elephant could remember it's way. I have much better to do with the rest of my day than get lost in a jungle of rust.

I also see these personal blogs people set up for themselves. Illogical I say! Who do they think they are? Special per say? Poppy Squawk -baaahh! If they think that they can write a better blog with all that riffraff, they must be at a dysfunction. Or have one -I speak. Heck, I bet I could write a better blog with my thumbs chopped off! And frankly, I could give a damn if nobody reads. Hell, these jewels don't come cheap and lofty not too often! My friends, I say drop a jewel and if someone picks it up well then my task is done. Even the old book says not to caste pearls before swine -my good boy.

You know every time I come across one of those so called 'high end' fashionable blogs, I say to myself "My, I can't believe it's not Blogger" and give my tut. Even if I was to spend my diamond time, I find nothing but low caliber dribble.

And Mighty Jehovah! What's the need to spend for such wasteful blogging when Blogger is and has always been free? The web is termite hill of information, no need to make things harder! And in light of this I must say, a penny saved is a penny earned. In these disturbing times, one might be thought as disturbed. Put on a snappiest vest, a write real thoughts. Reason being why I say my sir Blogger is BEST!

If you think you can best my argument with other blogs, then I challenge you to. But know I will pull no punches, and expect you to do the same.

~Today's horoscope~

April 09, 2009

There is no better way to win an argument than
by arming yourself with facts. So in the
course of your day today, meet each of your
challenges by doing the research that's
required. You can't be victorious unless you
prove that you know what you're talking
about. That worst thing you can do for
yourself is to speak out when you're not
completely sure what you are talking about.
It will only lead to embarrassing situations.
Put in the work you need to and you won't be

K. Rahmaan
Vision is all you need, everything else will come.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My bowl of stew

Do you like stew?

I figure everybody likes some type of stew or soup. Chicken noodle, tomato, clam chowder, vegetable, meat and potatoes stew, bean soup, etc. So I wonder if the type of soups or stews we like have anything to do with our characters? Perhaps, or maybe not?

Today I'm thinking of making a special stew that possible gives a glimpse into my own character. Let's call it KRahmaan's stew -if you will! I want to start will the cleanest water I can find in these parts. Why? Because clean water is a sign of purity. Not only for the body, but also for the mind. Water so clear that it would be perfect for an infant to drink. I don't live by any flowing streams so the local clear water that can be bought from the stores will do fine.

Next, I would like to add a pinch of salt to my water as it warms to a boil. I'm not sure why, but most recipes call for you to add a pinch of salt. I think it's to add to the flavor of the overall stew. This salt to me signifies a beginning of a masterful dish that is soon to form out of nothingness. Kind of like the first step on a journey to quench thirst of one's goal.

Onward, once my water starts to boil I'd like to add some rice. Long grain white rice. Not because that's my favorite rice, because even brown rice would do. I could even add some rice from a far off country like India, China or Pakistan. This rice once added will start what I call 'a scientific process of evolution' because it will react with the water as well as the pinch of salt I added. Some may ask.. Well how is it science and evolution? It's that because the rice now has or will start to expand as it cooks. It will puff up threw the cooking process to become its full expression to fill my gut. Thus, giving me all the necessary nourishment that uncooked rice could not offer.

Next, let's add some mixed vegetables shall we? My mix will include carrots, peas, corn, Lima beans, sting beans, and broccoli. I like to use these because they are always fresh even if canned or frozen and of course if they are chopped fresh. I don't like to spend too much on extravagances making my dishes, just as long as they taste good in the end. Ooops! These will actually be boiled in a separate pot, because adding these too soon would be a conflict of interests! Ha, now that that's done the rice should be boiling and now it's time to simmer and add a cover to it.

The next thing that I'll be adding will be black pepper to my veggies! It already has salt so pepper will give it a nice and bold flavor. I see this adding pepper as one willing to take chances in one's life. Because if we never take chances in our lives we make little advances.

Now that the veggies are boiling and the rice simmering, time to get a different pot of fiber and protein enriched beans going. I like vegetarian beans, as pork and beans work well too. These are best canned, and should be cooked with speed. More pepper please! For some reason, to me it just brings out more flavor. These beans are rugged and can endure a very high flame just as long as you keep an eye on them, and constantly stir not to let them burn. I believe a man's character should be gentle like a gentlemen of Great Britain, but also as rugged as a Texan cowboy. For then he can be well rounded and more capable of standing up for a ladies honor.

I have one more ingredient that I feel must be added before my stew will be finished. And it will be added to my boiling veggies. I've traveled to the far East to find this (not really, for it can be found at your corner store). It represents a sense of 'calm' that is needed in one's life. To feel at ease is not always easy to attain in this life of 'trials and tribulations' that we endure. But I feel with practice of finding time to relax, we can find our place of calm every once in a while. This ingredient is called Teriyaki -but I only use a few drops! I never overdue anything for it would spoil my stew!

So now that my beans are all cooked, the veggies have almost boiled out the water, and the rice is all puffed up, now it's time to kill their flames. First I'll add the veggies to my rice, then stir. Sometimes the beans need more time to cook, so I'll make sure that they turn out to a healthy and tick consistency. Letting me know they are done.

Alrighty then, now it's time to combine! And there you have it, my stew is all prepared. Adding a side of toast with some butter will make a fine and tasty meal. My bowl of stew is complete to comfort my mind, body, and soul.

~Today's horoscope~

March 01, 2009

You might not have all the knowledge in the world,
but you have a lot of heart -- and that will count for
a lot today. By using your kindness and compassion
to make stronger friendships with people, you'll be
able to utilize their skills to get closer to what you
want. Don't think of it as using someone, because
you're not. It's perfectly acceptable to align yourself
with people who add value to your life. After all,
they choose to have you in their life because you
add so much, too.

K. Rahmaan
Life is what we make it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What does love got to do with it?

Quite a day I had earlier today.

I woke up and it seemed colder outside than usual. Brrrr, I swore I could see my breath with every exhale. So as usual I started my day, threw some coffee on the stove top and hopped in the bathroom to freshen up. "Knock, knock!" I knew I heard someone knocking at my door but now already preoccupied I can't come to the door. But they know I'm here, because of the music in the background.

"Knock, knock!" There it is again. So I hurry to see who it is, half naked. Just to see that they've already left. Just great! So back to my business. OK, all fresh now. My pot of coffee is ready to go and I notice that I have new messages on my answering machine. I wonder who in the hell this could be? Hopefully not more of these recorded telemarketing messages that have been constantly calling me these days. Makes me just want to rip the phone out the sockets forever!

"Four new messages". One is from my mother, looks like someone else in the family has just died. Too bad, but for some reason. Today I just don't want to feel sad. Just a few days back, I almost lost my dad. My uncle just passed away, but he never kept himself healthy anyway. He always ate whatever, and never cared about his diet. Plus he was very old so I guess he's finally at peace. I know that he died content for he always did what he wanted.

Another message is from a friend, "Hey buddy, I was knocking at your door earlier!" "Give me a call when you're available -later." So that's who was knocking at my door, good old buddy Jay from way back. Hadn't spoke to him in a long old time. My old sparing partner, we used to spar in our prime.

The third message was came from the district. You gotta love those people, "Mr. Rahmaan, we are contacting you in regards to your problems..." Give me a break, I can't stand when they think they'll be able to solve them. I thought I already told that guy I'd call back on Monday, and here he is calling me Friday -three days too early. Good thing I missed the call.

My last message was from my good buddy V. But I'll call him later because all he does is like to talk my ear off. Now on my way, leaving the house is like entering into another realm. I should be feeling down, but for some reason today I feel like I'll be calling all the shots. First trip is to my mailbox.

Nothing there, but the rent is due. There goes another 25bucks! Shucks, oh well on to Best Buy time to get some more supplies! I'm in the media business so Best Buy has exactly what I need, plus the pretty girls there are always willing to help my spree. But today they seem extra specially nice...

Maybe it's because women just have that sixth sense, and they know I'm hiding my pain. But still the same, I continue to just be me. But still they're all nicer today, and I must say they're all seeming to just be surrounding me. So now I wait, this line isn't too great but look a new register is opening and there's another girl there even more beautiful than the rest -oh my!

So exotic, even kind of erotic it seems like one of those moments in time that just last. Now having all my needed supplies, it's time to say goodbye. The most important runs are done now, so time to head back to the lab and continue my project. But not just yet it is time to eat again!

"In and Out, that's what a hamburger's all about!" Yep, I've got this hanker for some In and Out. Should I drive threw? No, I think I'll just walk-in-and-out. Wow, baM, Hubba hubba! You mean to tell me there are mostly only girls working this shift? And most of the customers here are women too, exotic ones at that! Today seems very odd, but I must say a hungry man is unhappy man on the job.

I place my order and sit down to wait, a few minutes barely go by and there's my plate! And who is it there who hands me my order? Well just about the most prettiest girl out of the whole bunch. I say "Thank you ma'am, and no ketchup please." Smile, then I'm on my way. I forgot to stop by the post office on my earlier runs, so after exiting the furlough I drop by. And there it happens again, more candy for my eye!

I see a girl, who I just could have fell in love with. About 5'2, the perfect height and just the right size. Long flowing hair, & think lovely thighs. Oh my! "Hello miss". What a lovely day, to just have had a 'real' loved one to just pass away. All the women that I encountered this day, I'll probably never see again. Man, but was I really in love just fantasizing on the possibilities -I guess?

Today was just one of those rare and odd type of days. Who knows, maybe there's something out that has more love for a guy like me then I could imagine. Maybe a guardian angel, maybe even better than that? I figure mother earth, she's got my back...

~Today's horoscope~

February 01, 2009

Greediness isn't just about money -- people can
be greedy about time, too. And it is just as
negative. So if you feel like someone is
demanding too much of yours, it's perfectly fine
to say something to them about it. Make it clear
that while you enjoy spending time with them,
you have your own life to lead. Too many people
tie their identity to the identity of someone else,
and you shouldn't encourage that. You're your
own person, and they should be, too.

K. Rahmaan
You can only control how you see today.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Follow your dreams

It's 8:30 p.m. today on this 3rd day of January.

It's the new year and I'm happy to have made it threw another glorious year! In my neighborhood it's the same thing every year. Bazookas blasting off at sound of 12:00 a.m. The rebels are firing shots into the air. While the local officials close in on the drunken rebels.

Drunken women run about naked in the streets. Bearing breasts shouting at men in carriages. I was at the local bar waiting in the long line for my beer. But hey, it's the new years -well worth the wait. The girls run into the bar screaming, "Happy new years!" Still bubbly, bouncing warm bodies.

I just stand there looking in awe, that this still goes on in my neighborhood. Yeeh haaw! This is bringing me cheer. I guess it been a good year -I'm still here today. Drink my beer and now I'm on my way.

Back to the countryside just west. To my homestead where my wife rests. To my surprise, she stands there waiting for me after a long day. Kisses me on the cheek and then says, "Honey, I'm glad you're home." And I say well why? Why wouldn't I be home? She says because she heard gunshots and big bangs while I was gone.

Which gets me to thinking. By golly man, all the noise was kind of ritualistic to me. But I could have just got blown away. Or mistaken by the local officials, or taken for a stay. Maybe even tried for a crime I didn't commit. In a dark way and shallow. Then tied hooked to a noose, secured firmly to the gallows.

As I tell my wife. "Julia, if I were to ever be killed or taken away. Just remember that I loved you and always will. That most likely it wasn't the rebels, but most likely the sheriff who had it in for me" -I'd exclaim. And that is just the way it is when they consider you a rebel. Or any man who endeavors to follow his own dreams...

~Today's horoscope~

January 03, 2009

You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, so if
someone is putting pressure on you to hurry up
right now, tell them to mind their own business.
You know what is best for you right now, and you
just have to keep doing it -- at your own pace!
Some people are always in a hurry and they have
a distorted sense of deadlines. So just take your
time and appreciate the smaller things in life.
Those mountains that you want to climb aren't
going anywhere anytime soon!

K. Rahmaan
Have you forgotten your childhood dreams?